Enhancing Local Services

We have worked closely with North Lanarkshire Council to work through the impact our proposals would have on the local community. There are no technical constraints associated with the site and there are no objections from statutory consultees.

Committed to community engagement, Dullatur Golf Club and Hallam Land have listened to the views of the local community and key stakeholders through a series of consultation events and community liaison group meetings.

In response, land has been reserved for local community use, such as a GP surgery near the entrance to the site.

Two new road access points to the development are proposed from Constarry Road, as well as proposed improvements to the Craiglinn roundabout, which will help to improve traffic flow into the development and alleviate congestion for the wider community. This would be delivered as part of the Section 75 legal agreement between Hallam Land and North Lanarkshire Council.

Sustainability of Location

New active travel links from the development to the wider community are incorporated into the masterplan, as well as a new crossing point on Constarry Road. This will make it safer and more accessible for people to walk or cycle.

More than £600,000 in developer contributions would also be used to support local schools and education services to ensure that there is adequate capacity within the local catchment area. This would also be delivered via the Section 75 legal agreement agreed between Hallam Land and North Lanarkshire Council.